
Christina Barandun

First Aid for the Artist's Soul: Stress management, communication and ­conflict resolution in the cultural sector. A Guide

In theatres, operas, orchestras and other cultural institutions, artists are constantly under pressure to deliver artistic excellence – despite adverse working conditions, personal challenges and interpersonal conflicts. In this book, theatre and mental coach Christina Barandun provides "first aid" with tips and practical exercises. She shows how artists in their complex, creative and chaotic workplace can better deal with stress and psychological strain, how they can strengthen their resources, their ability to communicate, and how to handle conflict.

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Pressure in the system? Attacking a critic – how can this happen? And what needs to change in the cultural landscape in general?

Interview in tanz, Juli 2023

The power of the pause

Ein Gespräch mit Christina Barandun, Diplom-Theaterwissenschaftlerin sowie Coachin und Trainerin in der Kulturwirtschaft, über Homeoffice am Theater, neue Dimensionen für Seele und Struktur in Angesicht von Corona und was Aikido darin lehrt. In: VLP Magazin 93, Juni 2020

Do not sink into fatalism. About stress and anxiety in corona times

Interview GDBA-Zeitschrift buehnengenossenschaft (Mai 2020)

Interview in the magazine “Tanz”

Februar 2019 - mit Nicole Strecker

Live interview from 10.1.2019 on WDR 3 Mosaik with Kornelia Bittmann

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Who still wants to work in the theater: Opportunities for theater-specific personnel development

Sonderheft BTR 2019

How we can effectively counter psychological stress in the arts

Bühnengenossenschaft, Mai 2017

Pilot project for artists in theater companies

Stressbewältigungs-, Kommunikations- und Konfliktmanagement-Seminar für Künstlerinnen und Künstler - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis, in: Blickpunkt UK NRW 02/2016