Systemic consulting

Systemic organizational consulting for sustainable creative cultural enterprises.

Innovative and creative theater and orchestra companies in the 21st century think of artistic creation, technical, artisanal and organizational processes as a harmonious, cross-fertilizing whole.

Art can only follow innovative paths if structures and processes are also rethought. We can only inspire new generations of employees for this wonderful workplace if we also think about and integrate the new realities of work and life.

I will be happy to assist you in the following areas:

(In English and German)

Sustainable & diverse organizational development

How you can be inspired by evolutionary organizational development (flatter hierarchies, agility or even self-organization), thereby strengthening self-responsibility, flexibility and openness of your employees and promoting sensitivity, appreciation and structures for a diverse workforce.

Vision Work & Change Management

How you can implement upcoming change processes (e.g., in the case of changes in artistic direction) in a more targeted and relaxed manner and integrate a new vision and culture into everyday life as quickly and coherently as possible.

Management development

How managers from the arts, technology, trades and administration can develop a common understanding of leadership for the networked work of all areas and thus create healthy, creative and supportive conditions for themselves and all employees.

Ensemble & Team Development

How newly formed ensembles and teams grow together faster, collaborate more creatively and deal with conflicts more constructively. And how established teams maintain their creativity through structural and interpersonal self-reflection and new impulses.

Risk assessment of mental stress (GBpB) for performing artists (only available in german)

How to turn a tedious task into a valuable tool for staff development and internal feedback culture: